One of the greatest gifts I have
received from Emma Sage is a sense of
Peace.......when I
conceived her, I felt her soul enter into my body and this
incredible peace came over me.
I remember telling my Mother about the experience and how at Peace I felt, as at that moment I realized [with incredible clarity] that our souls are eternal.....that our bodies are just the vessel our soul travels in while on this earth.
Upon the early passing of my own dear Mother ~ I miss her physical presence dearly, but I know her soul is eternal and I feel her spirit memories of the life we shared, and in moments with my own children, it makes me realize that it is these memories ~ these times shared that make up the true meaning of life.
Today our lives were touched by both Birth and Death.
We welcome with great joy and happiness to our family ~
Maggie Pearl, daughter of Taylor and Rachel [my cousins]....she is welcomed by her family with
love and
faith. Her big brother's Henry and Luke will help guide her and help her celebrate childhood together [watch out Maggie, your brothers love to play and will take you on many magical adventures.]
Congratulations Taylor and Rachel, Grandma Jan and Grandpa Jeff.....and Mamie [this is your 22
nd great-grandchild....what an incredible blessing!]
and on Death......
Sadly, last night a friend of Katrina's died in a
car crash.
Jeff Korba was a
Talented young Musician who loved life and lived it to the fullest.......he was a brilliant star here on earth and I know he is shinning brightly for eternity. Rest in Peace in peace.
Birth and DeathBy Sri Swami SivanandaBirth and death are two illusory scenes
In the drama of this world:
Really no one is born, no one dies,
No one comes, no one goes.
It is Maya's jugglery,
It is play of the mind;
Brahman alone exists.
There is birth for the body alone,
Five elements combine to form the body;
The Atman is
birthless and deathless;
Death is casting off the physical sheath.
It is like deep sleep;
Birth is like waking from sleep;
Be not afraid of death, O Ram!
Life is continuous.
The flower may fade but the fragrance floats;
The body may disintegrate,
But the immortal fragrance of the soul
Always will remain.
Learn to discriminate
The Real from the unreal;
Think always of the Infinite
That is
birthless and deathless.
Transcend Maya and
Go beyond three
Give up attachment for the body.
Free yourself from birth and death
And merge in the Immortal Essence.