Thursday, December 11, 2008


Emma Sage woke up this morning and she had developed a bad cold overnight.....the kind of buggy nose that just begs for you to keep a box of Kleenex with you.

After 'blowing' out a few times, she looks at me in all seriousness and says

"I am ill, and I can't go to Greta's banquet tonight. I don't want to get everyone sick!" sweet little girl.

I tell her...."are you sure? Abbie will be there"

She replies...."No, I think you need to call PopPop and I can go there and cuddle and read books"

So I called PopPop during the day while she was at school [yes, I sent a sick kid to I said, it came on over night and she had a good 'blow out' in the morning, and I sent her with a box of Kleenex]

She got home and her face looked like it had been through a and chapped and she was blowing full steam ahead.

So she went to PopPop's to cuddle........and now she is sleeping soundly and I am going to keep her home from school tomorrow. My smart little girl was right, I don't want her getting others sick.

Here is a picture taken a few years ago......but when I think of the 'Sweetness' my little girl expresses....this image captures her sweetness perfectly!



Kari said...

What a sweety. She is way more considerate than most Human's I know. I have had a cold and a Gastro and we haven't even made it to Christmas yet. Hope Emma Sage is feeling better and has a magical Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Very thoughtful! I send a box of lotion kleenex to school with mine and slather on Aquaphor every single day 2x daily between the months of Nov- to April! BTW- it would be lovely for our girls to meet each other!

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better, Emma!
Just talked to your mom and she told me that you are going to the Welcome to Winterfest tomorrow...
Have fun!!!!!!!
love, Aunt Linda :)

My name is Sarah said...

Emma Sage, you have the most beautiful eyes

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!!!
I do hope dear Emma Sage is feeling better and that she got a little giggle out of my pony reindeer photo! :)


Amy said...

Feel better soon, Emma Sage!