Wednesday, August 01, 2007

My social, social butterfly.....

Speaking of butterflies,,,,,,Emma Sage has been busy counting all of the butterflies she finds during the day. At our 'Butterfly Bushes, ie. Buddleia she gets the opportunity to counts lots and lots. Today at one point there were over 35 on two bushes.....what a beautiful sight!

But back to my social, social butterfly.

Emma Sage had a doctors appointment tonight.......follow up blood draw from her last draw that was a 'little' off [and this Momma, who never, ever worries, seems to be a worrier about her littlest girl]. She also has a clogged tear duct and tomorrow we have to call her eye doctor to get a recommendation for a pediatric opthomologist who can lance it for her.....ouch! But the bump is bothersome to her and it sometimes really protrudes. As soon as I can upload pictures, I'll find one where it is obvious and share it with you all.

So back to the appointment. Emma Sage just adores 'Dr. Patti' and 'Nurse Laurie'. She chatted up a storm, even got to check Dr. Patti's heart rate....and was just so adorable when she did her breathing [as I told her to breathe like she was doing 'Thai Chi' and she does.

At one point, she told Dr. Patti that "When I get bigger, I'm going to be a doctor just like you!"

and you know what, Dr. Patti said she doesn't doubt that for a second....and neither does her Momma!

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