Monday, April 02, 2007

Magical Moments Monday's.....

I've been tagged. My dear friend, Emily the WonderMomma of Lovely and Amazing, tagged me. I'm not very good at these things....not that I don't want to be, it just seems that my life sometimes moves at a pace that I just can't help and to go back and catch up always seems impossible. But you got me, and I said I would not go to bed without writing about 'Magical Moments Monday's'. [See what I mean, it is Tuesday now and I'm just posting a Monday thought!]

and what would be more perfect before heading into bed to share one of the most magical moments of my life....a moment that I get to relive, over and over again for the last [almost] 18 years. You see, to me, co-sleeping with my children have to be the most magical mothering moments ever.

Right now, Little Miss Emma Sage is my snuggle bug.......

Sweet Dreams

She is the longest baby to sleep in our bed.

At one point we had two co-sleepers, as Greta and Katrina were just shy of two years apart and they both shared out bed for a few years together. Each little nester found their way to their own nest at around the age of 3 1/2 to 4 years of age....exactly at the time they weaned themselves from nursing.

Emma Sage stopped nursing at 3 years 10 months....but she is still co-sleeping, and I'm in no hurry for her to spread her wings and find her own nest.....this Momma cherishes those Magical Moments of hearing her sweet little breath, breathing in and out.....her snuggled in my arms, sleeping peacefully............


Anonymous said...

Ok, that is adorable - the picture and the moment! ES just looks so peaceful - truly magical.

I am so impressed that co-sleeping has been so successful for you! We were terrified to co-sleep with EJ, but I loved co-sleeping with first. Naps and little sleeps were great to cuddle with him, but soon he refused to sleep anywhere other than with us and that got real uncomfotable, real quick like. He may only be a baby, but wowsa, does he have a mean right hook! LOL! I just moved him out this weekend and am relishing the chance to spread out...finally.

Seriously, that baby had 3/4 of the bed, with hubby and I left to split the last little 1/4. SUCH a bed hog is he! LOL!

But I do miss seeing his little face in the middle of the night. I don't miss him falling off the bed though (long sad guilt ridden story; luckily that kid is built like a brick)...

Anyway, thanks for playing! I knew you would have an absolutely tingling magic moment!

Melissa @ Banana Migraine said...

I love co-sleeping and waking up to such peaceful faces. What a beautiful photo!

Unknown said...

LOL!!! Rick has gotten a few of those 'right hooks'. With Ricks travel schedule of being away for weeks at at time, the California King size bed is perfect as it is usually just me and sweet pea. He complains at times as he is the one with 1/4 of the bed to our 3/4s .....heeheeeheee.

and I know the guilt of falling out of bed, I think each one did it at least once. Good thing for plush carpet!

I'm so glad to play Emily....thanks for tagging me.

Oh, and this picture was of little Miss Emma Sage at 3 1/2 years old.

Unknown said...

Beautiful picture!

Sara said...

Oh Tara Marie what a beautiful picture!!!! What kind of a camera do you have ? You take such wonderful pics!!

Anonymous said...

Oh I have two little co-sleeps in my bed too. Sir C will be six next week, and Miss E is well on her way to being three.

Have a fabulous Thursday m'dear.

Kari said...

2 co-sleepers here.
I just love sleeping photos! What a sweet Pea!