Monday, July 03, 2006


Emma Sage adores her Grammy. Actually, I think Emma Sage adores everyone, but there are some special people in her life that make her light up with such joy.....Grammy is one of those people.

Grammy is Rick's mom,,,,,she lives a mile up the Lane from us and is not just my mother-in-law, but one of my dearest friends and mentors.

Grammy is not feeling well....and I'm asking those of you who visit us here, if you could keep Grammy in your thoughts and prayers. They are going to take her to the emergency room in a little bit, but last night at a family picnic, I could sense she was not feeling well [and she kept it to herself].

These are pictures of Grammy that I took on Saturday......the ones of her holding baby Livija just melt my heart, as Grammy has this amazing gift of being able to comfort and swaddle a child [who at this point Livija was over tired, over stimulated and would not for anything settle down to rest...and her dear Momma tried so hard to get her to sleep]....I told Marcie to let Grammy hold Livija and I guarnateed that she would be out like a sleeping angel within minutes.....and guess what!?! She was!!!!

Grammy we love you and hope you are feeling better soon.
A child needs a grandparent, anybody's grandparent, to grow a little more securely into an unfamiliar world. ~Charles and Ann Morse
The Magic TouchGrammy's magic touch
Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting to see just you all day and now the day was complete. ~Marcy DeMaree


Jan Steck Huffman said...

our thoughts and prayers are with Grammy!

Kari said...

I hope Grammy is feeling better. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

Michelle said...

Keeping Grammy in my thoughts and prayers - please update when you can on how she is doing.

Unknown said...

Thank you all....Grammy is feeling a bit better. Her blood sugars were way off [she is diabetic and is very good with her diet and monitoring] but with the 'little nibbles' at all the picnics this holiday weekend, they think that she got off kilter. Her blood pressure was extremely low and they are having some tests run on Thursday. Grammy is one of those amazing souls who walk through life helping others [with out any fanfare or notice] and too see her not her 100% self is scary. All your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me [and to her]