Thursday, May 11, 2006

May 12, 2006 The Today Show

If you watch TV and happen to turn on 'The Today Show' tomorrow, you might get to see some of my family. My Aunt Jan and Uncle Jeff and their son Charles and his beautiful family are aboard a new ocean liner called The Freedome of the Sea.

Charlie's wife, Royal's, mother, Louise was chosen as 'Mother of the Year' and is Christining the new Ocean Liner tomorrow on the show as part of 'The Today Shows' Mothers Day salute to MOMs everywhere!

Royal's, Mother is truly an amazing woman and an incredible mother....such an inspiration!

I have to go figure out how to use the video machine to tape the show! This is so exciting!

Happy Mothers Day to all the amazing Mothers out there from Emma Sage and her Mommy!
Emma Sage and Mommy


Belovedlife said...

Happy Mother's Day to you! Wishing you a wonderful day with your lovely family. Enjoy!

Kari said...

Happy Mothers Day to you too. WOW what a Beautiful picture!

Anonymous said...

Wow, TM, what a great picture. Happy Mothers Day to you!

By the way, I found the Today Show clip online:

That is so awesome!