Saturday, September 25, 2010

Conversations with Emma Sage

This child can always make me feel a full range of emotions by her sweet conversation's.

Earlier today we were out running errands.

She asks me "Mommy will you get me a car for my birthday?"

I reply "A real Car?"

"Yes, a real car. A real yellow car" she responds.

so I say "For which birthday?" and she pipes in

"For my Sweet 16 silly"

lol........seriously. The funny thing is, she is absolutely serious about getting her drivers license. I know it has been achieved by others with Down syndrome, and I don't doubt my little girl at all that she too will achieve this goal....considering her mind is already set on it. [and she is stubborn when she has her mind set on something!]

Then a little while later she says to me......

"In nine more years I will be in college"

I look in the rear view mirror at her grinning face.

"Yes, 9 more years I reply" my heart sinking a little bit at the thought~

and then she asks "Are you going to miss me?" about tugging at this Mommas heartstrings.

"Yes, I say....with all my heart and soul I will miss you."

"good" is her matter-of-fact response.

I guess this Momma can't keep her baby from growing up.



Rosa said...

She is a sweet girl. I don't doubt she will follow her dreams.

Kim Ayres said...

Meg want's a pink convertable :)

Heather said...

Your girl is AMAZING! Wow...she's got her days to freedom counted down, doesn't she? Lol, so did I at her age! No doubt she can do anything she puts her mind to. (And besides, lots of kids with Ds have cars and drive and go to college...she certainly won't be the first! But she sure might be the spunkiest so far...)