Wednesday, October 29, 2008

31 for 21 house is full right now, with teen-agers. This is a common occurrence over the last 6+ years, since my older children became teenagers, so did their friends, and gathering together is something teenagers like [and I believe need] to do.

Tonight, there is some laughter, but sadly it is dispersed between bouts of tears and deep sobbing. You see, one of Greta's friends, an beautiful young man, a friend from toddlerhood, tragically died last night. This was a young man, who along with Greta, was offered a scholarship to attend school in Germany next year [for a year, a 5th year of high school, as German students complete 5 years of high school before University] a young man who was a Honor student, taking challenging classes throughout high school [Greta and he [along with one other classmate] were scheduled to finish an AP Calculus project tomorrow evening after her field hockey game] a gymnast and just a brilliant soul.

I'm trying to stay strong [but this Momma is having a very difficult go of it right now ~ as emotions that I have yet to reconcil over the death of my own beloved brother ~ keep overwhelming me] But for the kids, I'm trying to provide a shoulder and guidance as they might need it [and food.....lots of munchies]

I went for a three mile walk earlier.....I needed to get the cool, fresh air deep within my lungs to help clear my mind.

So, if you pray......please say a prayer for all those involved. If you don't pray and can offer up some positive thoughts, that would be greatly appreciated. I truly believe in the power of prayer and positive thoughts..............


Debra said...

You have prayers from our home. Tell Greta we love her and we are praying also for the family.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about this young mans senseless death.How devastating for his family and friends. I hope every one of them gets extra support and be aware that these things often set off a ripple effect throughout the teen community.I am sending a ton of positive thoughts your way! Hugs too.

~KC: said...

Praying for all!!!. (((Hugs)))

Robin said...

Loving prayers are coming your way. So tragic!

datri said...

How tragic. Adding prayers.

Traci said...

I am so sorry for the loss of Greta's friend. They are all in my prayers.

Kari said...

So very sad :( Sending love and comforting prayers. My son lost his best friend a few years ago. Sure is hard on a Mommy's heart. ((HUGS))