Friday, April 11, 2008

There are times.....

There are times as a Mother, that your heart just pauses....filled with so many emotions, you're not sure if you can ever breathe again. Once your breath returns, your mind starts to race.....with many thoughts.

I happen to have these 'Mothering' moments often with Emma Sage.......I have them with all of my children throughout the years, like just recently ~ when Greta was inducted into the National German Honor Society....or realizing that Katrina will be finished her first year of college in two weeks, or watching Otto go off with friends to clean the garbage from the sides of the road [as he and his friends really care about their enviroment and are picking up after others who litter]....moments when you realize that these little beings that were born of your heart and are now out in the world, doing their thing.

This image was one I took the other I sat off in the distance watching my littlest girl at her riding lesson.


Tears started to roll down my cheeks, as I watched my little girl in her group lesson, independantly riding her horse, following directions and at the same time, giving directions to her horse to follow. She moved her horse, weaving in and out of cones.........brought him to stops....started him to go....and even trotted, all on her own commands [after her teachers instructions]. And here I am with tears streaming down my face. My heart flittering and trying to remind myself to breathe........and this image of my little girl off in the distance, doing her thing!

and this image says it all......Ms. Bonnie just adores Emma Sage [and Emma Sage just adores Ms. Bonnie]. A teacher who believes in Emma Sage and is helping her be the best she can possibly be. Thank you Ms. are giving Emma Sage one of the greatest gifts possible, the gift of believing in herself!



Me said...

WOW...that is a GORGEOUS picture. You are so incredibly talented. I just love reading about Emma Sage and how indepedant and full of life she is.

Unknown said...

Lovely, indeed! It is amazing to watch them grow up, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

How absolutely lovely.

Anonymous said...

I love what you said about those moments when you realize your child is taking a place in the world. This was my son's first year in college and with it came his first job, his first roommate and lots of other 'firsts."
I depend on him to fix my computer and change the oil in my car. My husband finds himself looking UP at the young man who he used to carry on his shoulders. It's wonderful to watch them grow.
And Emma's riding lessons? Wow! What a lucky girl!

akakarma said...

I just love her piggy tales. I'd love to send you a pix of my daughter- reluctant to post on the internet tho.
I feel the same way when K. writes her own homework assignments-It takes my breath.

Robin said...

Beautiful post! Thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Well put into words the feeling of watching our children grow....I love coming here TM, it gives me peace, joy and hope. You are an amazing woman...