Thursday, September 14, 2006

Little Man.....

If you have not yet seen this amazing documentary, I urge to do it is truly a powerful movie about life, love and the power of believing. Little Man

"Nicholas' smiles and joy show what all of us parents of kids with disabilities already know - why we keep believing in our children and trying to do everything for them that we can so that they may know joys and smiles, too." ~EP

and in our family, Emma Sage has a very special cousin who was also born a 'Little Lady' when Livija Diane entered our world when she was only 26weeks 3 days gestation....truly one of God's littlest miracles.

I think one of the things that strikes me the hardest when watching this documentary and looking at sweet Livija Diane, is to know that at this same gestational timeframe, doctors are still allowing women to terminate a child with T21 [just because they are sporting that extra chromosome], when in fact, these two little miracles show us that their little lives, if born, even this early, can surrive and grow and prosper and bring forth such love and joy.

I just ordered the soundtrack as it as beautiful and powerful as the doctumentary is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your words bring tears to my eyes and happiness to my heart for these 2 beautiful little girls,
Emma and Livi!!!
What would we ever do without them ......